Festival Política (Politics Festival) is an initiative of Isonomia Association (NGO) and Produtores Associados, which aims to promote civic participation, human rights and the fight against abstention. Created in 2017 in co-production with EGEAC (Equipment Management and Cultural Animation Company of Lisbon), the festival has been part of the program of the April 74 revolution commemorations in the Municipality of Lisbon since its first edition. It has been present in Braga since 2019 and Loulé since 2022. The festival’s program comprises debates, performances, concerts, workshops for adults and children, exhibitions, cinema and guided tours that promote democratic literacy and selected taking into account the programmatic axes and the annual theme, since each edition has a main theme: Abstention (2017), Human Rights (2018), Europe (2019), Environment (2020), Borders (2021) Disinformation (2022). All activities are free of charge.


Há um Batom para as mulheres que usam calças lá em casa e para as fãs da minissaia.

As que fazem croché e as que não dão ponto sem nó. As que não sabem estrelar um ovo e as que fazem todos os dias omeletes sem ovos.

Há um Batom que vai bem com as que só usam sapatilhas e as que nunca descem dos saltos. As que são mais de nudes e as que são mais de tons pastel. As que têm jogo de cintura e as que põem a mão na anca.

Há um Batom perfeito para as que nasceram para ser mãe, as filhas-da-mãe e as que ficam para tia. As donas-de-casa, as donas-disto-tudo e as donas do seu nariz.

Há um Batom para todos.
Há um Batom para ti também.

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